Freeze-dried Rose

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Location: South Carolina, United States

Tuesday, November 13, 2007


i remember the night we went floating
i remember the darkness
and you saying that we
should be light
so you took my hand
and breathed magic into me
and we became stars

i remember how venus laughed
when she saw our poor excuse
for a waltz
and how you just smiled
and spun me faster and faster
and my eyes turned into galaxies
and you called them beautiful
and you called me beautiful
and we were beautiful
the night we went floating


he grinned at me from all directions
with his arms longer than his legs
longer than his smile
longer than a lifetime
upside down i am inside out
looking downside in
and all i can see is him and me
and him again
and i wonder how did i get here
and how did i not get here sooner
how did i not see his smile
all around me
and how did the sun shine
and how did we get here
i’ve forgotten
but i’m rightside up now
and all i can see is the length of his legs
his arms around me
and longer than a lifetime
in his smile